Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week....4? Or 5. Something.

I have lost count of what week I am on. Oh, I am going on week 5. Because I just had my 4 week appointment.

I can now "walk," but I use that word loosely - my on-foot movement is reminiscent of a drunk old lady, and Frankenstein (picture me stooped over like an old lady, and arms stuck out every which way, trying to balance).

Why am I walking like this, you might ask? Because I still have to wear these:


It is hard to walk in these - I almost fell backwards a few times. Actually, I did fall backwards a few times, but thankfully, Rick the Saint was right there to catch me. If I were a total sap I could make some smushy comment here about how symbolic this is of our relationship. Not a sap.

It hurts to walk in these shoes - the part of my my feet that hurts is actually the outsides of my feet. I am trying to stay off my feet still, because it really isn't comfortable to walk. And also because I clumsily fell the other day, and my foot now hurts where the plate/screws are. Hope I didn't do any damage. Anyway, I am still wheeling around a lot because of that.

For those of you who are interested in what my feet look like at week 4, here is a picture:

The fuzzy things in the background are my dogs, of course.

So you might think that the feet don't look too swollen now. WRONG. Check out the side view, of a toe fold that is not normally there (BEWARE - UN-PEDICURED FOOT PICTURE):

That is not the regular crease under my big toe. It's a FOLD! It hurts to clean it out. Wah.

BTW, my foot/feet looked a LOT better after I GENTLY exfoliated off the top 80 layers of dead skin.

I am happy to report that my "fat" jeans are STILL my fat jeans, in spite of 4 weeks of almost no physical activity (if only Facebooking burned calories!). However, if Rick keeps buying Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies, my fat jeans might not be as loose.

I go in for my 5-week checkup tomorrow.


  1. Milano cookies are the best! ;) Hey, they are looking good, Bethy... even with the "fold". Much better looking than the last batch of photos where they looked like man feet and totally swollen. And I see you were able to pain your toesies! Awww... did Mr. Perfect do that for you too? ;) Sounds like you are doing well, and the recovery is going as planned... now to get up and moving a bit - think of walking as PT, and just do it. :) xoxo, love!!

  2. Dude. I am impressed that you're keeping your sense of humor. You are totally making progress, even though it must feel so slow. Hang in there!

  3. Thanks Shash and Jennifer!

    Hey, I can't be depressed when I am getting paid to heal (thanks, Anonymous Puget Sound Airplane Manufacturer!). Plus I have the bonus of two pups to keep me company, and lots of friends and family who help me out. :-)

    In fact, I don't think it has made me cranky - just more thankful for the people in my life. :)
