Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Helloooo, Boston!!! And..... now I will say goodbye.

Dear Boston-area,

Just kidding. I'm not leaving - YET.

But if you keep up with these horrifying "Centipede-in-the-Bathtub" shenanigans, I might have to run screaming back to my home town. You'll know where I am going from the trail of Raid that I leave behind on my way to Boston-Logan Airport, and inside of the 737 that carries me back to Seattle.

I love the fact that you have summers that last more than one month, and I am excited to buy more cashmere for your winter. I love your public transportation, which is head-and-shoulders above that of my hometown. I don't mind that I get mild panic attacks at the thought of driving here at night and/or in traffic!

I even was able to forgive that little earwig on the windowsill this evening, because, hey - even Seattle has those.


Don't put 1.5-inch, Feathery, orange, Spawn-of-Satan, Shakes-Inducing bugs in my house!

You have been warned.



PS If you see random spots of powder on my clothes/body, I haven't picked up a nasty habit. It will be the boric acid that I will soon deposit on every surface of my house.

PPS I am seriously considering a cat. Or five.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I bet that the whole massive creepy crawly centipede ordeal is a fluke thing. When I first moved into my apartment, a BAT flew in my bedroom that very first night. EWWWW! AND it poo'ed in my eye. Awesome. And I was completely freaked that it would happen again. However, it has not. :)
    PS-My cat LOVES chasing and eating bugs.

  3. bahahah! We'll welcome you back if you change your mind.

    Show us some yummy Boston food!

  4. A BAT POOPED IN YOUR EYE???!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!

    I think I would take that over centipedes. Yes, they are THAT SCARY.

    PS LMAO, a bat pooped in your eye???? Hehehehe, that is one of those things you would use in the game "Two Truths and a Lie."
